Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Types: Wartime Sexual Violence: 20th Century:
Types: Wartime Sexual Violence: »World War I or the First World War (28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918) was a global conflict between two coalitions: the Allies and the Central Powers. Fighting took place throughout Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Pacific, and parts of Asia. One of the deadliest wars in history, it resulted in an estimated 9 million soldiers dead and 23 million wounded, plus up to 8 million civilian deaths from numerous causes including genocide. The movement of large numbers of troops and civilians during the war was a major factor in spreading the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic.« -- More information: Wikipedia
General [Info] Beck, Birgit. �Massenvergewaltigungen als Kriegsverbrechen: Zur Entwicklung des V�lkerrechts.� Kriegsverbrechen im 20. Jahrhundert. Edited by Wolfram Wette et al. Darmstadt 2001: 406-418. [Info] Bianchi, Bruna. �"Militarismo versus femminismo". La violenza alle donne negli scritti e nei discorsi pubblici delle pacifiste durante la Prima guerra mondiale.� Deportate, esuli, profughe No. 10 (2009): 94-109. [Info] Bianchi, Bruna. �Gli stupri di massa in Serbia durante la prima guerra mondiale.� Stupri di guerra. La violenza di massa contro le donne nel Novecento. Edited by Marcello Flores. Milan 2010: 43-60. [Info] Bianchi, Bruna. �Torture inflitte ai civili nella Serbia occupata (1914-1918).� La tortura del nuovo millennio. La reazione del diritto. Edited by Lauso Zagato et al. Milan 2010: 131-150. [Info] Bianchi, Bruna, et al. �La violenza alle donne nella Grande guerra: Studi, fonti, prospettive di ricerca.� Terzo Congresso della Societ� Italiana delle Storiche. Florence 2003. [Info] Bourke, Joanna. �Wartime Rape: The Politics of Making Visible.� Liberal Democracies at War: Conflict and Representation. Edited by Andrew Knapp et al. London 2013: 135-156. [Info] Grayzel, Susan R. Women�s identities at war. Gender, motherhood, and politics in Britain and France during the First World War. Chapel Hill 1999. [Info] Grayzel, Susan R. Women and the First World War. Harlow 2002. [Info] Gullace, Nicoletta F. �War Crimes or Atrocity Stories? Anglo-American Narratives of Truth and Deception in the Aftermath of World War I.� Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: From the Ancient World to the Era of Human Rights. Edited by Elizabeth D. Heineman. Philadelphia 2011: 105-121. [Info] G�rkan, Hasan. �T�rk Tarih �?retiminde Psiko-Sosyal A�?dan Sava?lar ve Yans?malar? (1914-1939).� History Studies 12 (2020): 1867-1882. [Info] H�mmerle, Christa, et al. �Introduction: Women's and Gender History of the First World War. Topics, Concepts, Perspectives.� Gender and the First World War. Edited by Christa H�mmerle et al. London 2014: 1-15. [Info] H�mmerle, Christa. �Ego-Documents of Nurses during WW I.� �Against Our Will��Forty Years After: Exploring the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Hamburg 2015. [Info] Le Naour, Jean-Yves. �Viols de guerre au premier XXe si�cle: Une �conomie politique et hygi�nique.� Les violences sexuelles: approches historiques (XVIe-XXIe si�cle) - Sexuelle Gewalt und Geschichtswissenschaft (16.-21. Jahrhundert). Paris 2008. [Info] Majerus, Beno�t, et al. �Occupation et violences sexuelles en Europe (1914-1945).� Les violences sexuelles: approches historiques (XVIe-XXIe si�cle) - Sexuelle Gewalt und Geschichtswissenschaft (16.-21. Jahrhundert). Paris 2008. [Info] Montesi, Barbara. �"Il frutto vivente del disonore". I figli della violenza, l'Italia, la Grande guerra.� Stupri di guerra. La violenza di massa contro le donne nel Novecento. Edited by Marcello Flores. Milan 2010: 61-78. [Info] Paolella, Francesco. �Violenze sessuali nella prima guerra mondiale. Medicina e politica in Italia.� Storia e problemi contemporanei 26 (2013): 99-108. [Info] Papaioannou, Stefan S. Balkan Wars between the Lines: Violence and Civilians in Macedonia, 1912-1918. Dissertation, University of Maryland, 2012. [Info] Rivi�re, Antoine. �D�cisions sp�ciales: Les enfants n�s des viols allemands et abandonn�s � l�Assistance publique pendant la Grande Guerre.� Les viols en temps de guerre: une histoire � �crire - Rape in Wartime: A History to be Written. Paris 2009. [Info] Rivi�re, Antoine. �� D�cisions sp�ciales �: Les enfants n�s des viols allemands abandonn�s � l�Assistance publique pendant la Grande Guerre (1914-1918).� Viols en temps de guerre. Edited by Rapha�lle Branche et al. Paris 2011: 189-205. [Info] Rivi�re, Antoine. �"Special Decisions" Children Born as the Result of German Rape and Handed Over to Public Assistance during the Great War (1914-18).� Rape in Wartime. Edited by Rapha�lle Branche et al. Basingstoke 2012: 184-200. [Info] Rivi�re, Antoine. �Rape.� 1914-1918-online: International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Edited by Ute Daniel et al. Berlin 2015. [Info] Rouquet, Fran�ois, et al., eds. Amours, guerres et sexualit� 1914-1945. Paris 2007. [Info] Searle, Kimberley J. British Society at War 1914-1918: Myth, Rumour and the Search for Meaning. M.A. Thesis, University of Canterbury, 2009. [Info] Stoff, Laurie S. �'A Fate Worse than Death': Russian Wartime Nurses and Rape during World War I.� 46th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies. San Antonio 2014. [Info] Strazza, Michele. Senza via di scampo. Gli stupri nelle guerre mondiali. Potenza 2010. [Info] Sturfelt, Lina. �Den andras lidande. Kvinnor som v�ldsoffer och f�r�vare i f�rsta v�rldskriget.� Kvinnor och v�ld. En m�ngtydig kulturhistoria. Edited by Eva �sterberg et al. Lund 2005: 219-241. [Info] Th�baud, Fran�oise. �Penser la guerre. � partir des femmes et du genre: L�exemple de la Grande Guerre.� Ast�rion No. 2 (2004): 179-194. [Info] Th�baud, Fran�oise. �Penser les guerres du xxe si�cle � partir des femmes et du genre. Quarante ans d�historiographie.� Clio No. 39 (2014): 157-182. [Info] Wishnia, Judith. �Natalisme et nationalisme pendant la premi�re guerre mondiale.� Vingti�me si�cle No. 45 (1995): 30-39. Allied Occupation of the Rhineland [Info] Fattorini, Emma. �Il colpo di grazia sessuale. Le violenze delle truppe nere in Renania negli anni venti.� Donne e uomini nelle guerre mondiali. Edited by Anna. Bravo. Rome 1991: 28-56. [Info] Godfroid, Anne. �Une fureur � belgica � en r�ponse � la fureur � teutonica � ? Ou l�esprit de revanche des soldats belges stationn�s en Rh�nanie. R�alit� ou fiction ?� Les viols en temps de guerre: une histoire � �crire - Rape in Wartime: A History to be Written. Paris 2009. [Info] Godfroid, Anne. �Une fureur � belgica � en Rh�nanie occup�e: R�alit� ou fantasme ? (1920-1930).� Viols en temps de guerre. Edited by Rapha�lle Branche et al. Paris 2011: 95-106. [Info] Godfroid, Anne. �After "Teutonic Fury", "Belgian Fury"? Fact and Fiction in the Revenge of Belgian Soldiers in the Rhineland in 1923.� Rape in Wartime. Edited by Rapha�lle Branche et al. Basingstoke 2012: 90-102. [Info] Marks, Sally. �Black watch on the Rhine. A study in propaganda, prejudice and prurience.� European studies review 13 (1983): 297-334. [Info] Roos, Julia. �Schwarze Schmach.� 1914-1918 online: International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Edited by Ute Daniel et al. Berlin 2015. Austrian War Crimes 1. Austrian War Crimes in Galicia
[Info] Kirchner, Lisa. »„Hätte nur jede Nation so ein diszipliniertes Heer …“: Geschlechterbeziehungen und sexuelle Gewalt in autobiografischen Aufzeichnungen des Ersten Weltkrieges (Österreich-Ungarn).« L'Homme 35 (2024): 85-102. 2. Austrian War Crimes in Italy [Info] Cal�, Laura. �Le donne friulane e la violenza di Guerra durante l'occupazione austro-tedesca 1917-1918. Alcuni esempi per la Carnia.� Carnia invasa 1917-1918. Storia, documenti e fotografie dell'occupazione austro-tedesca del Friuli. Edited by Enrico Folisi. Udine 2005: 111-131. [Info] Ceschin, Daniele. �"L�estremo oltraggio". La violenza alle donne in Friuli e in Veneto durante l�occupazione austro-germanica (1917-1918).� La violenza contro la popolazione civile nella Grande guerra. Deportati, profughi, internati. Edited by Bruna Bianchi. Milan 2006: 165-184. [Info] Falcomer, Andrea. �Gli "orfani dei vivi": Madri e figli della guerra e della violenza nell'attivit� dell'Istituto San Filippo Neri (1918-1947).� Deportate, esuli, profughe No. 10 (2009): 76-93. [Info] Gibelli, Antonio. �Guerra e violenze sessuali. Il caso veneto e friulano.� La memoria della Grande Guerra nelle Dolomiti. Edited by Bossi Fedrigotti et al. Udine 2001: 195-206. Bulgarian War Crimes in Serbia [Info] Pisarri, Milovan. I crimini contro la popolazione civile in Serbia durante la Prima Guerra Mondiale. Tesi di dottorato, Universit� Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2011. [Info] Pisarri, Milovan. �Bulgarian Crimes against Civilians in Occupied Serbia during the First World War.� Balcanica 44 (2013): 357-390. German War Crimes 1. German War Crimes in Belgium »The Rape of Belgium was a series of systematic war crimes, especially mass murder and deportation, by German troops against Belgian civilians during the invasion and occupation of Belgium during World War I.« -- More information: Wikipedia [Info] Debruyne, Emmanuel. �Intimate Relations between Occupiers and Occupied (Belgium and France).� 1914-1918-online: International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Edited by Ute Daniel et al. Berlin 2016. [Info] Debruyne, Emmanuel. ��Girls were seen crying when soldiers departed.� Belgian and French women and German soldiers: transgressive relationships under the gaze of the occupied population.� First World War Studies 9 (2018): 167-183. [Info] Eakin, Travis. �War and the Body: Propaganda and Interpretations of "The Rape of Belgium" and Other German Atrocities of World War I.� 79th Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association. St. Louis 2013. [Info] Horne, John N., et al. German Atrocities, 1914: A History of Denial. New Haven 2001. [Info] Horne, John N., et al. Deutsche Kriegsgreuel 1914. Die umstrittene Wahrheit. Hamburg 2004. [Info] Horne, John N., et al. 1914: Les atrocit�s allemandes. Paris 2005. [Info] Lipkes, Jeff. Rehearsals: The German Army in Belgium, August 1914. Leuven 2007. [Info] Read, Philippa. �Rape in the First World War France and Belgium: Nuanced Perspectives.� The Violence of War: Experiences and Images of Conflict. London 2014. 2. German War Crimes in France [Info] Audoin-Rouzeau, St�phane. L�enfant de l�ennemi, 1914-1918. Paris 1995. [Info] Audoin-Rouzeau, St�phane. L�Enfant de l�ennemi, 1914-1918: Viol, avortement, infanticide pendant la Grande Guerre. Paris 2013. [Info] Crouthamel, Jason. �Sexuality, Sexual Relations, Homosexuality.� 1914-1918 online: International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Edited by Ute Daniel et al. Berlin 2014. [Info] Debruyne, Emmanuel. �Intimate Relations between Occupiers and Occupied (Belgium and France).� 1914-1918-online: International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Edited by Ute Daniel et al. Berlin 2016. [Info] Debruyne, Emmanuel. ��Girls were seen crying when soldiers departed.� Belgian and French women and German soldiers: transgressive relationships under the gaze of the occupied population.� First World War Studies 9 (2018): 167-183. [Info] Harris, Ruth. �The "child of the barbarian". Rape, race and nationalism in France during the First World War.� Past & present No. 141 (1993): 170-206. [Info] Read, Philippa. �Rape in the First World War France and Belgium: Nuanced Perspectives.� The Violence of War: Experiences and Images of Conflict. London 2014. Hunagarian War Crimes in Galicia [Info] Kirchner, Lisa. »„Hätte nur jede Nation so ein diszipliniertes Heer …“: Geschlechterbeziehungen und sexuelle Gewalt in autobiografischen Aufzeichnungen des Ersten Weltkrieges (Österreich-Ungarn).« L'Homme 35 (2024): 85-102. Russian War Crimes 1. Russian War Crimes in Galicia [Info] Kirchner, Lisa. »„Hätte nur jede Nation so ein diszipliniertes Heer …“: Geschlechterbeziehungen und sexuelle Gewalt in autobiografischen Aufzeichnungen des Ersten Weltkrieges (Österreich-Ungarn).« L'Homme 35 (2024): 85-102. [Info] Zinger, Evgen. »Brutale (Vor)Reiter? Illegitime militärische Gewalt der Kosaken im Ersten Weltkrieg (1914–1917).« »When you catch one kill him slowly«: Militärische Gewaltkulturen von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. Edited by Birgit Aschmann et al. Frankfurt/Main 2024: 315-342. 2. Russian War Crimes in Prussia [Info] Watson, Alexander. �"Unheard-of Brutality": Russian Atrocities against Civilians in East Prussia, 1914-1915.� Journal of Modern History 86 (2014): 780-825. [Info] Zinger, Evgen. »Brutale (Vor)Reiter? Illegitime militärische Gewalt der Kosaken im Ersten Weltkrieg (1914–1917).« »When you catch one kill him slowly«: Militärische Gewaltkulturen von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. Edited by Birgit Aschmann et al. Frankfurt/Main 2024: 315-342. 3. Russian War Crimes in Hungary [Info] Pető, Andrea, et al. »Nationalism, Pronatalism, and the Guild of Gynecology: The Complex Legacy of Abortion Regulation in Hungary.« Central European History (April 2, 2024). |